8 May 2014 - When Google Destroys Your Business
11 November 2013 - New Due Diligence Standards For Internet Investments
24 March 2013 - Gaming Google in the Gaming Industry
16 December 2012 - Learning From Google Penalties in 2012 : Disavow Requirements : Solutions To Address Search Risk
20 October 2012 - The Motives Behind The Link Disavow Tool & The New Transparency Of Google.
30 August 2012 - Google may be quietly acknowledging the reality of negative seo.
29 May 2012 - LSF Interactive demonstrates Google penalty incompetence - Beware of "penalty experts" exploiting victims of Penguin.
29 April 2012 - Penguin inadvertently makes paid links more valuable, while creating greater risk for all web businesses
21 April 2012 - Negative SEO: Google enables an unethical new industry and corrupts the search in the process
10 February 2012 - Link Velocity Debunked - Don't be fooled by this false metric
4 November 2011 - Occupy Google - Watching with alarm as Google continues to withhold more data
If you're responsible for the search performance of a large web entity, you are invited to join us, contribute problems/solutions, and benefit from the sharing of information related to this profession here on re1y.com. Please feel free to participate & comment in the blog. All comments are welcome and relevant questions/issues raised in the blog will be addressed by members of our community.
While the basic philosophy is the same, the difference between large and small scale optimization is huge. This site recognizes that fact and deals specifically with the issues faced by large or multiple site enterprises. We discuss the seo approaches taken by authority sites.
There is a vast online community currently serving the small entrepreneur with thousands of sites, blogs, and forums providing excellent optimization information for those willing to critically analyze it. But there is almost nothing focused on the higher level, large enterprise search considerations. re1y.com is filling that niche with a focus on enterprise seo, search compliance, structural seo, and Google penalty solutions.
A large system is by necessity automated. Most small sites can survive with either manually programmed pages or content management systems using databases. But one big difference is that large systems have no alternative - they must rely on data. So there's not only a semantic imperative, but a data imperative as well.
We know there are some significant requirements for any enterprise that implements multiple sites - they must be implemented compliantly, that is, they must each be independent of all other owned sites and not seen to game the advantages inherent with multiple sites. No problem for a small business. But how do you manage hundreds of website implementations without triggering Google penalties across your entire network?
At the enterprise level, the keyword universe could be several hundred thousand. If you're using a small site strategy, how do you handle that with a 30-35 keyword limit per page?
How is large scale SEO different beyond mere size? How do you diversify your risk away from one mother ship without cannibalizing your existing businesses?
Enterprise SEO
Google Penalty Solutions
Automation & Search Compliance