Full blown trademark suppression is the loss of the #1 position for the search of your web trademark (domain minus the extension).
When the site is not #1 for "web_trademark + product/service" eg "re1y seo" you're looking at a slightly less severe penalty.
(editors note: if your domain name is a semantic search already, the above tests may not show #1. For example if your site were best-widgets.com)
These 2 penalties overwhelm the link triggered penalties by over 2-1. This is in contrast to late 2007, when the link penalties were in vogue.
Most of the time, the domain level issues that trigger these 2 penalties are ignorance driven, not automation driven, so discovery and remediation is usually very straightforward.
We also now assume a structural problem first, ignoring link issues. The reason for this is that if we link vet first, it's costly, but also, removing links likely means that the site is coming back weaker.
Focusing on the structure allows us to file the first reconsideration based on non link considerations. If we can get back from structural issues, ranks are preserved.
Of course if the links are the real problem, then you're going downhill anyway. But by focusing first on structure, we are using the odds here. Most likely to be structure.
This could change, but for now this strategy is saving clients money.
Can you please walk us through one of the unwinds you've done on a trademark suppression? Is that possible?
I know I'm not the only one who would like this. Thank you.
Second that.
Agree - obviously can't share confidential info - and no client is going to want to appear in this blog. But would love to see what gets done to clear the penalty.
Will do. Got to pick a simple example and it will be my next post.
Also would like to see this. And can you show us some examples of experiments where you intentionally get a site penalized for forensic purposes?
Enterprise SEO
Google Penalty Solutions
Automation & Search Compliance