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Gaming Google In The Gaming Industry
Bob Sakayama
2013-03-23 18:27:43
2012 SEO Disasters | Solutions
Bob Sakayama
2012-12-16 14:03:29
Google May Be Quietly Acknowledging Negative SEO
Bob Sakayama
2012-08-30 15:29:12
Unnatural Links Warning
Bob Sakayama
2012-07-25 17:05:11
Penguin Inadvertently Makes Paid Links More Valuable
Bob Sakayama
2012-04-29 14:01:46
Occupy Google
Bob Sakayama
2011-11-04 12:57:49
Google Has Lost The War Against Paid Links
Bob Sakayama
2011-05-07 16:33:19
Google Penalties Now Called Manual Actions
Bob Sakayama
2011-04-23 16:27:14
Google Bomb Today
Ryan Urban
2011-04-11 17:05:11
Penalized Site Seeks Help:
Valmir Fernandes
2011-03-17 17:56:06
Did The Hammer Come Down On Content Aggregators
Bob Sakayama
2011-03-02 22:22:24
Enterprise Search Manipulation
Bob Sakayama
2011-02-19 19:12:08
Google Has A Huge Cloaking Problem
Bob Sakayama
2011-01-21 20:33:20
A Sorry Tale of a Google Penalty in Action
Dr. Marc Pinter-Krainer
2010-12-13 11:46:50
A New Google Penalty
Bob Sakayama
2010-11-28 21:49:40
The Archive Link Magnet
Bob Sakayama
2010-08-12 20:39:05
Coping With The Loss of Link Metrics
Bob Sakayama
2010-07-25 03:10:26 Penalized
2010-07-22 15:19:42
Automating Compliance Via CMS
Rev Sale
2010-07-15 22:43:15
Caffeine May Have A Hidden Cost
Bob Sakayama
2010-07-08 11:35:34
Google Penalties And Nuked Domains
Bob Sakayama
2009-11-28 21:09:30
When Google Doesn't Like Your Business Model
2009-11-09 12:41:20
Search Compliance For Subdomains
2009-11-09 11:51:10
Google Penalty Solutions - An Example Unwind
Bob Sakayama
2009-11-04 21:21:01
Maintaining Search Compliance via CMS
2009-11-03 22:35:15
Still Reeling From The Affiliate Slap
2009-11-02 22:47:01
Most Popular Penalties
Bob Sakayama
2009-11-01 22:06:52
Link Obfuscation Necessary On New Sites
Rev Sale
2009-11-01 21:46:56
By: dirtsgood
2009-11-09 12:41:20
There are certain enterprises that Google has problems with, not because of their implementation, but because of their business model.

We're not talking about porn or gaming or pharma, although all of these grey market sites also have their own issues. But most porn sites actually hold rank. Ditto gaming sites. These are NOT what I'm discussing.

In 2005, we had a client working from the UK, whose business was id cards. Not phony drivers licenses or fraudulent documentation, but cards that appeared to be official without breaking any laws. The main use was by students to buy booze. In fact, one of the ads on the site featured a band whose lead singer used their product to buy beer when touring the US.

But we discovered that this website (a hugely popular one among young people) was flagged by the authorities in Britain and by Homeland Security in the US for obvious reasons. Google would not permit this site to rank, even though the site was compliantly implemented, and highly relevant - clearly the most relevant document. The owner created several other sites, and each in turn got kicked out of the search as it rose through the ranks for searches for "fake id."

We don't pass judgment on our clients, and this was a company in trouble, so we tried to help. And this client understood his predicament and was making an effort to salvage his livelihood. But after several months of effort and several new websites later, it became obvious that the powers that be were NOT happy with this business model.

That same year we also discovered a chemical products manufacturer that could not rank for certain generic product terms, among them "nitrate fertilizers." You'll notice that if you try to find a place to buy this product, it is not easy using Google. That's because nitrate fertilizers can be used to make explosives - the Oklahoma bomber used a fertilizer bomb. Again Homeland Security (and other international government agencies) intervened for good reason.

Far less dramatic, are some current business models that will get you banned. For example, if your business model encourages, suggests, or relies upon the theft of intellectual property - like music or movies. Duh. But if your site simply points to copyrighted material, that is enough to get you kicked out of the natural search, Adwords, and AdSense.

Blog_id: 7 | Posted: 2009-11-09 12:41:20 | Views (6,836) | Comments (2)  
Comment By: Jabaloni
re: When Google Doesn't Like Your Business Model
(posted 2009-11-11 19:03:23)


Response By Rev Sale
in response to thread started by
(posted 2009-11-11 19:19:56)

Second that, Jabaloni. There's nothing else to say, Bro. Going home and lighting candles.

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Google Penalty Solutions
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